Book an Appointment at Healing Tree Massage + Wellness Studio (Vancouver, BC) - In the Historic Lee Building on NW Corner of Main/Broadway
Did you know that we plant a tree for every new client to our studio? We believe that supporting the environment while investing in your health is a win win!
Waitlist: Our online booking page is in real time. Please add yourself to our waitlist if you do not see a day/time that works for you. We use this list regularly.
IMPORTANT DIRECT BILLING: All of our practitioners can direct bill to Pacific Blue Cross and All (except Don Barrett, RMT) can direct bill to these providers Click Here for List We unfortunately are not able to direct bill for massage therapy when there is an open ICBC or WCB claim or for missed appointments.
Vancouver Location (175 East Broadway - Lee Building):
Appointments Available 7 days a week 8am - 8pm
Parking During Construction in the Neighbourhood: We highly recommend that you give yourself a bit of extra time to find parking before your appointment. Parking Map Here
Arrival for your Appointment at Healing Tree Vancouver: Please buzz 209 no more than 5 minutes prior to your appointment time and please come alone unless, you require assistance.
Nanaimo Location (503 Comox Rd - Integrity HQ Building):
Appointments Currently Available Mon/Wed 10am - 5pm and Tues 2:30pm-5pm
Free Onsite Parking
Arrival to your Appointment at Healing Tree Nanaimo: Please text 236-362-0713 Five (5) minutes prior to your appointment time and Talia will greet you at the front door of the building. Please come alone, unless you require assistance.
We Look Forward to Seeing you Soon!
Please note our rates may vary.
Lymphatic Massage - RMT Receipt Given
Lymphatic massage promotes lymph flow and helps drain excess fluid from affected tissues.
Below is a comprehensive list of conditions Abbey Nevin, RMT is currently able to treat:
Lymphatic drainage massage can be an effective treatment for:
- headaches/migraines
- whiplash
- tinnitus
- concussions
- traumatic injuries
- insomnia
- multiple sclerosis
- chronic fatigue syndrome
- fibromyalgia
- complex regional pain syndrome
- skin conditions
- sprains/strains
- bursitis
- pregnancy
- post MVA
- TMJ problems
- pre and post surgery
**IMPORTANT: Abbey is in training and is currently unable to work with clients who have impaired lymphatic systems. This includes individuals with lymphedema, those undergoing cancer treatment, or anyone who has had lymph nodes removed during surgery. If you fall into any of these categories, please reach out to a fully Vodder-trained therapist in your area or contact the clinic for a referral.
If you're unsure if your condition can be treated with lymphatic drainage massage or have any questions please contact Abbey directly at
Therapeutic Movement Massage - RMT Receipt Given
Therapeutic Movement Massage is a treatment which consists of both hands on treatment and therapeutic exercise with postural coaching.
Areas of tension or injury are assessed and then treated with myofascial massage and Trigger Point Therapy to free up restrictions.
Patients are then guided through exercises and stretches specifically tailored to their individual needs. Using a combination of Rehabilitative Pilates, calisthenics, therapeutic stretching, and active flexibility, patients will be given easy to follow homecare plans to help them work towards their movement goals.
Nicole helps patients to understand anatomy and movement, empowering them to better understand the source of their pain and dysfunction and equip them with strategies to restore strength and balance. TMM is a treatment for individuals who are at any point in their movement journey. Whether they work at a desk and are looking to incorporate more movement into their lives or are athletes with many years of movement experience and are looking to take their understanding of anatomy and movement to the next level.
**Please come to treatment with athletic attire for the movement portion of the treatment.**
***RMT Receipt will be given and direct billing to Pacific Blue Cross available***
For questions contact Nicole directly at
Hot Stone Massage Therapy - RMT Receipt Given
Hot stone massage therapy has been used throughout history all across the world. Using basalt stones, heat is transferred from the rock to the body through rhythmic movements. Hot stone therapy can be used on its own, for deep relaxation and increase in circulation, or in combination with manual therapy to release muscle tension before working deep into the tissues with the hands. Whether you're looking for overall relief, or targeted work to an injury or problem area, hot stone massage may benefit you.
Additionally, cold stones can also be incorporated into treatment. While used sparingly and in combination with the hot stones on the skin, cold stones can be used to target areas of restriction. Hot stones and cold stones will be used at the exact same time, reducing the detectability of the cold sensation. Cold stones may also be used at the end of any treatment to reduce any suspected inflammation.
Benefits of Hot Stone Massage:
- Increase circulation for blood and lymph
- decreased blood pressure
- increase in oxygen and nutrients to tissues
- increased moisture in skin
- Increase relaxation and decrease tension, stress and fatigue
- reduce congestion in sinuses
Benefits of Cold Stone Massage:
- decrease swelling and edema caused by injury
- reduced muscle spasm
- reduce acute inflammation
- pain reduction
Please review the following before booking a hot stone treatment:
Hot stone massage cannot be performed on patients/in areas with the following:
- Surgery sites where nerve damage may have occurred/sensation altered
- Any altered sensation resulting from neuropathy, diabetes, or any other disease
- Autoimmune or inflammatory diseases
- Open wounds from a skin condition, lesion, or inflamed skin
- Prescription medicine that may have side effects to heat or changes in temperature
- Pregnancy - reduced temperature may be an option*
- Heart disease where temperature changes challenge circulatory system
- Varicose veins
- Thin skin of elderly and infants - lighter pressure and lower lower temperature may be an option*
- Internal hardware - pins, plates, screws, rods
- Acute injuries
Cold stone massage cannot be performed on patients/in areas with the following:
- Decreased sensation
- Hypertension
- Raynaud's disease
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Local limb ischemia
- History of vascular compromise - frostbite, arteriosclerosis etc.
- Cold allergy
Prenatal Massage Therapy - RMT Receipt Given
Offered by Registered Massage Therapists - RMT receipts provided. Specialized Prenatal Cushion Available.
Massage Therapy - RMT Receipt Given
Craniosacral Therapy - RMT Receipt Given
What is Craniosacral Therapy?
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, non-invasive approach of evaluating and enhancing the body’s ability to heal and restore itself. This is accomplished by working within the craniosacral system, which includes the cranial bones (bones of the skull) the sacrum (the bone at the base of the spine), and the meninges or membranes (connective tissue) which attach to the cranial bones, the brain and spinal cord, continuing down to attach at the sacrum. Cerebrospinal fluid is produced within this system. This fluid is what nourishes, protects, and maintains the physiological environment in which your brain and nervous system develop, live, and function. It is this fluid that creates the subtle movement or rhythm of the bones and membranes that may be palpated within the body. When these rhythms are expressed in fullness and balance, health and well-being will naturally follow.
Due to certain stresses such as physical injury, emotional or psychological trauma, or toxicity, these rhythms can become restricted, blocked, and out of balance. The intention of treatment is to recognize where the restrictions are and to release them so that the body may self-correct and balance can be restored.
CST is an effective form of treatment for a wide range of illnesses some of which include:
Chronic Sinusitis
Stress and Tension-Related Disorders
Motor-Coordination Impairments
Migraines and Headaches
Chronic Neck and Back Pain
Regulating the Nervous System
Select a treatment
from the list on the left
to view available appointment times

Located at: 175 East Broadway , Suite 209, Vancouver
Directions & Map | All Locations
Need Help? 604-605-8733